SEO might be a very  promising solution for getting more leads to your business. You must have hired an SEO expert who knows all the best practises and algorithmic changes, still there are some things that your SEO guy should never claim.


If you are a SEO expert, running your own SEO agency or as a freelancer, then this guide is also for you. Client’s trend to ask many questions which has no definite answer to. In such circumstances many naive SEO marketer claim things that can raise of eyebrow.


It’s simply because SEO doesn’t have a rulebook. There is no way that a person could know exact results or claim to be on the first page in X amount of time. Google, Bing or Yandex don’t publish steps, process or their algorithmic updates for marketer to know for sure, so SEO is all about making changes that are relevant and good for your website.


We have form a set of 10 things that you or your SEO guy should never claim.


Knows the Search Algorithms well?

Technically no one knows the search algorithm well enough, except the Google engineers who work on it. So people outside Google should not claim to know the algorithm as Google/Bing do not publish their ranking factors.

Google just tells few of them in form of best practises that needs to be followed. Most of the times SEO experts have no idea when ranking factors are shuffled. Google is always changing and adjusting it’s ranking algorithm.


Ranking possible for any Industry?

SEO strategy and their results varies from industries to industries. In order to have an effective SEO, an expert needs to have detailed knowledge about that niche. So it’s really suspicious for a person to claim that ranking is possible for any niche.


SEO is the only Marketing Option

While SEO is definitely the major channel for marketing but it is not the only option. You need to understand that SEO is a long game & you simply cannot expect immediate results. A lot of time and research work needs to be done and you may need to wait 3-6 months to seems some positive outcome.


You need More Links

Gone those days when just having more number of links would boost your ranking. With Panda & Penguin updates Google has started to penalize domains that try to gain vast number of Backlinks which are paid or obtained through blackhat techniques. 

In SEO, Having relevant and quality links matter more than the quantity of links. So make sure to direct our SEO expert to build links from higher DA sites.


Content can be easy copied and spinning article

Beware! Content is called KING in SEO. so make you sure to have a great content writer who could write genuine content for your website. Also make sure to use third party sites like copyscape to verify that contents are genuine.


You can easily get Ranked for any Keywords

This depends upon niche to niche. Not all niche are crowded but it’s not that simple to rank for any keywords. Websites who have been ranking for those keywords since long would still be ranking for them.


Should use Competitors Name as your Keywords

While marketer have been using this technique to eat into the competitor’s space on Google Ads. This can prove a  great blunder for your website if not done right. And your competitor might also get free promotion through you.


Have Domains with Keywords

Years back marketer would just buy domain name with their keywords for eg: and gain traffic for those keywords instantly. Google grew about this and introduce Exact Match Domain Algorithm Update which penalize the websites which seems to be using keywords in domain for just ranking purpose.


More Keywords, More Traffic

While this is partially true, you should understand that in SEO ranking of keywords are done so that relevant users searching for those keywords land on your website. So the choice of keywords will decide what quantity of traffic you should expect.


Should have Pages for Each Keywords

This is a very bad strategy when your website doesn’t have relevant information to justify more number of pages. Remember that search engines not only prefer websites with great number of information but rank websites with quality content higher over anything else.


Having a single blog read by 1000 users is worth more than 100 blogs read by few. Also increase in pages reduces the indexing speed for search engines as they have to crawl more number of pages.


Let us know what you think about the above list and share your experience with us.

Did we miss something? You can comment your suggestions below and we will take a look. If it’s relevant then we might include it in our blog post and will freely provide you with a citation on it.

Sahil Shaikh

Digital Marketer

Digital Marketer & Analytics Dashboard Expert at WEQ Technologies. Working on Voice search and SEO, analysing future impact based upon voice search.